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5 Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Move

5 Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Move

Moving can be an exhilarating adventure and a fresh start, but there’s no denying that it’s stressful and leaves you with a seemingly never-ending to-do list. Whether this is your first time moving or you’ve been through this process before, here’s your foolproof guide full of tips and tricks for a stress-free move.

Start Planning and Packing Early

Packing is undeniably the most labor-intensive part of moving. It’s where the first domino falls. Think about it; a delay in packing means a delay in moving, and that’s not something you want to experience.

Generally, you should begin packing at least two months before your move date. Start with the items you use infrequently, like out-of-season clothes or special-occasion kitchenware. Make this step hassle-free by sorting through one room at a time and pacing yourself.

Declutter and Donate

A new home means a chance to reevaluate your belongings. Have you used that toaster oven in the last year? Does it bring you joy? If you’re answering “no,” it’s probably time to part ways.

Donating or selling items lowers the cost of your move, both figuratively and literally. It lightens the emotional and physical load and helps someone in need. For non-functional items, consider a haul away service like HAULAWAY. We’ll safely dispose of such items with environmental responsibility.

Invest in Quality Packing Supplies

Boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, and packing tape are your best friends while moving. When you use high-quality supplies, you protect your belongings. Consider specialty boxes for fragile items, like dish boxes, or wardrobe boxes for your clothes. While you likely want to save money wherever you can, being frugal on packing materials could cost you more if something gets damaged.

Label Your Boxes Clearly

Communication is key, even with inanimate objects. Labels help you (or movers) understand what’s in the boxes and where they should go in your new home, making the transition smooth and fast.

Your labeling system could include the room destination, a brief list of contents, and a clear indication if it’s fragile. This will allow you to find essentials, such as your first-night essentials, without opening every box.

Enlist Professional Help When Necessary

There’s no shame in asking for help—it’s why moving companies exist. Professional movers can alleviate the stress of moving day by taking on the heavy lifting, especially if you have large or bulky furniture. If you prefer taking a more hands-off approach, a full-service moving company moves your belongings as well as helps you pack and unpack.

An organized approach to packing is your best bet for making moving day as smooth as possible. The key to a successful move is giving yourself plenty of time to plan, packing carefully, and not being afraid to ask for help. By following these tips and tricks for a stress-free move, you can transform what could be a source of anxiety into an exciting new beginning.

If you’re looking for a professional junk-removal service to make your move smoother, consider HAULAWAY. Our staff is ready to take your junk so you don’t have to deal with it. Your next chapter awaits!

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